Every great herd sire needs a great dam and MRC INVESTOR 60B has an outstanding mother and cow family backing him. INVESTOR stems from one of the strongest Twin Chief cows in existence – an absolute tank of a female with a perfect udder, huge top, extra body and square hip in a very low maintenance and easy keeping profile. We have been seeking a red Broker son for some time and we feel that INVESTOR is the answer we have been waiting for. Not only is he backed by generations of predictability in his pedigree, he has the natural presence of a true breeding herd bull. INVESTOR was a many time division champion in the show ring for M&R and has matured into an impressive herd sire that will add extension through the front end with stoutness, natural muscling, and sound structure. Whether it is sons or daughters INVESTOR produces, he is a sire that can be very versatile in producing progeny to add value to your calf crop.