RUST BREAKTHROUGH 4043 is one of the most impressive individuals that has ever been introduced to the Simmental breeding system. He has so much to offer in terms of a breeding piece and we feel he can be a large influence on improving each female he is mated to. The most astute and critical cattleman that have witnessed BREAKTHROUGH all agree that he is a unique individual that is unlike any others in terms of overall mass and power while still combining impressive style in a very sound and athletic package. We can’t emphasize enough the strength and completeness in BREAKTHROUGH’s phenotype for today and especially tomorrow’s type of cattle. His sire, Harvestor is one of the great breeding pieces in the world as he was a past SAV high seller at $275,000 (2/3 interest) and has been extremely dominant in producing high selling sons and daughters throughout the world. His dam, TNT Miss W31 is the high-selling female at Rust Mountain as she traded for $24,500 and is strong uddered, great footed in a very impressive stature. She is the type of female that you want your herd bull to be out of, she is highly productive and attractive all at the same time. When you study BREAKTHROUGH and combine a fault free phenotype with a complete EPD spread with an unparalleled genotype, you have a true breeding piece to build a program moving forward into the future.