WHF Milestone B011 “Limitless”


Finally, the red calving-ease bull with a stacked maternal pedigree comes to us with WHF MILESTONE B011 … we call him LIMITLESS! With a 74 lbs birthweight, LIMITLESS has real-world potential and truly is the sire we have been seeking for many years to improve many important traits. Look to LIMITLESS to add maternal strength while improving foot quality, soundness, scrotal (43cm at 15 months) and overall marketability in his calf crop. He was the high selling bull from the 2016 Bulls of the Bluegrass Sale and we feel his potential breeding abilities are endless. His pedigree is stacked and is a full brother to the famous Alley 247Y, who was the NAILE Grand Champion Female. On our many trips south, Alley 247Y still remains a favourite donor in the Simmental industry and her progeny are consistent high sellers for HPF. The lineage that backs LIMITLESS represents the very best in the Simmental industry, invest with confidence.